Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
About Department
The Department of Electronics & communication Engineering was established in the year 2009 and the first batch of ECE graduates rolled out in 2011. Now, the department offers (ECE) Regular,. Right from its inception, the department has progressed with a vision centred on the empowerment of the students through academic and professional development and a strong commitment in developing competent career oriented programs, enhancing the Library and laboratory facilities and providing excellent training to the students. The Electronics & Communication Engineering Department is a dynamic and vibrant department with about highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty members. several years of teaching and industrial experience.
Vision & Mission
To become a center of Academic Excellence and Blended with rich Culture Based Values through education, training, collaboration and extension .
To provide training through education to the students who are able to compete internationally, Conscious to the universal moral values, Adherent to the professional ethical code and to generate and disseminate knowledge and technologies essential to the local and global needs in the field of electronics and communication engineering.
Department features
All the necessary admission information is available from the prospectus and from the internet homepage of the college. For the newly admitted students, the college conducts two days orientation programmes to acquaint them with the college atmosphere, examination and evaluation process, extracurricular and co-curricular activities, etc. The college prepares an Academic Calendar prior to the commencement of the academic The department has made sustained and continuous effort to bring some innovation in teaching- learning methodology. In fact, it had shifted the focus from faculty centered pedagogy to learner centered pedagogy by introducing, projects, field trips, internship, industrial training etc.c. Along with the conventional lecturers, student’s participation in seminars, quiz programmes and discussion are encouraged. Further, they are exposed to facilities like Overhead projector, LCD projector, audiovisual packages, Computer and Internet in teaching learning method. To keep abreast of the new development, the faculty members are encouraged to participate in national conferences/seminars/symposia, etc. and to attend refresher/orientation courses and the other training programs organized by the college and the other college . It is good to see that experts and guest lecturers are also invited from other academic institutions, industries and universities to share their experience and expertise with the faculty members and the students of the department. The mentor system are adopted by the college is indeed a healthy practice. The college has adopted a scheme for the evaluation of the faculty by the students through feedback mechanism. The feedback of the students of the curriculum, courses content and other aspects of teaching-learning system are obtained and suitable action taken. It is observe that this has helped in maintaining the quality of the academic programmes. The department follows semester system & DECE courses. The teaching staff has an organized unitized schedule to complete the syllabi. The academic performance of the students is assessed on a continuous bases consisting of 50% of total marks and another 50% weight age is given to the end semester examinations.
There has been a study improvement in the research performance of the department during the last five years. The department has taken several steps to promote a research culture among both the faculty and student. They include enhancement of the infrastructural facilities, setting up instrumentation center, augmentation of the laboratory and library facilities, provision of free access to internet, etc. have motivated the teachers and scholars to take up research seriously. Students and teachers undertake extension activities in many areas and the college encourages them to do so through award of certificates.
The Department has over six well equipped laboratories, offering facilities to supplement theory concepts with experiments and do project work. The department has a modern computer lab with supportive technical software’s mat lab, PSPICE, Multisim, Lab view, where the principles of computer aided design are imparted. The ECE department office is equipped with facilities like reprography, computer, laser printers and Internet services. The department includes ladies rest room for girl students for their refreshment. The college has excellent facilities for sports and physical education.
Since the college operates on a purely merit based admission scheme, the quality of the students is of a high order and this is reflected, not only in the final results, but also in the day-to-day learning. The college publishes its prospectus annually. The prospectus gives details of academic programmes, eligibility criteria, the fee structure, general rules etc. It also describes the facilities offered. One of our department objectives is to improve the students in all the ways like doing all the activities to cultivate the humanity to the students. We also try to guide them in the social welfare by conducting the programmes like NSS etc. Several recreational/cultural and sports facilities are available for the students. The students participate in various types of sports activities at state, college and national levels and have brought laurels for the college. The Department makes sure that the student evolves progressively semester by semester. Student seminars are organized periodically. Every semester, a student technical fest called ‘MINDSURF’ is conducted which is exclusively a student event. This programme is replete with students’ initiatives like mini project demos, paper presentation and quiz etc. To supplement technical skill with enabling qualities like communication skills and inter-personal relations, a structured course in soft skills is regularly conducted. This programme, conducted by the placement cell has yielded rich dividends, gauging from the placement experience.the annual inter-institutional technical fest of the ECE Department affords ample opportunity to students in wide ranging skills like organizational skills and technical skills. The event evokes copious response and the event features many parallel sessions in order to accommodate all the activities. To develop another facet of the students, wherein students are made sensitive to socio-technical issues of concern. The club strives to enhance debating abilities and build day-to-day problem solving abilities.
The department has a well-defined de-centralized organizational structure to coordinate the academic and administrative functions. The organizational structure consists of statutory bodies like the, Board of Studies, Class Committee, Time Table Committee, Discipline Committee, Examination Committee, Students Grievance Redressal Committee, Purchase Committee, etc. The HOD is the academic head of the department. He provides leadership and inspiration in planning, organization and execution of all programmes with the active support and participation of the faculty and the staff. The non-teaching staff members are given in-house training in the use of IT in office administration and examination.
The effective functioning of the system and the Quality has created a quality consciousness among the College community. The Periodic review and restructuring of the curricula are done after receiving feedback from the stakeholders including industry. The Academic and personal counseling for the students are ably carried out through the mentoring system. The Students and the faculty are encouraged to utilize ICT in academic transactions through the use of Internet, LCD, etc. The Effective governance is achieved through a participatory and decentralizes administrative set up. The department attaches supreme importance to value based education and strives to impart it effectively by introducing regular foundation courses as part of its restructured curriculum.
Lab Details -Lab Infrastructure
The department possesses excellent infrastructure including following laboratories.
8051 microcontroller kits. The area of this laboratory is 10.00mX10.00m.
Electronics II digital lab is equipped with power supplies, CRO’s, function generators, digital kits and measuring instruments. The area of this laboratory is 10.00mX7.90m.
The area of this center is 16.90m X 7.90m.This lab consists of Intel Pentium Xeon Server with LAN of 61 terminals, and various peripherals. This center consists of Microsoft licence software’s and simulation software’s such as LAB VIEW, PSpice,Multi sim MP LAB, ORCAD, KEILc and PLC LAB. The same lab is extended for VLSI and EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN experiments with Xilinx Spartan trainer kits and embedded kits
Faculty Details
1 | Mr.S.RAJA | M.E., | Power Electronics and Drives | HOD |
2 | Mr.P.Lalitharun | M.E., | Applied Electronics Engg | LECTURER |
3 | Ms.S.Nishanthi | M.E., | VLSI DESIGN | LECTURER |
3 | Mrs.K.Gayathri | B.E., | Digtal Electronics | LECTURER |
Rank Holders
FIRST MARK | GOMATHI.T | 688 | 98.30% |
SECOND MARK | YAMUNA.S | 675 | 96.40% |
THIRD MARK | THANGAM.R | 640 | 91.5% |
FIRST MARK | ROHINI.E | 632 | 90.00% |
SECOND MARK | ARUN KUMAR.S | 616 | 88.00% |
THIRD MARK | MADHUMATHI.P | 564 | 80.00% |
FIRST MARK | S.ARUNKUMAR | 578 | 82.50% |
SECOND MARK | E.ROHINI | 570 | 81.40% |
THIRD MARK | M.JANARTHANAN | 545 | 79.00% |
FIRST MARK | V.THAMIZHVANAN | 631 | 90.00% |
SECOND MARK | D.SANTHOSH | 553 | 79.00% |
THIRD MARK | V.ABINESH | 540 | 77.00% |
Placement Details
1. | KALAIMANIGANDAN.M | E.C.E | Sanmina |
2. | KUMARAN.A | E.C.E | Sanmina |
3. | SANKARAN.V | E.C.E | Sanmina |
4. | PRASANTH.H | E.C.E | Sanmina |
5. | KAVIYARASAN.K | E.C.E | Sanmina |
6. | YOGESH.S | E.C.E | Sanmina |
7. | RAMACHANDRAN.G | E.C.E | Aptiv |
8. | JANARTHANAN.M | E.C.E | Aptiv |
9. | AJAY.V | E.C.E | Aptiv |
10. | BHARATH.M | E.C.E | Aptiv |
11. | ARUNKUMAR.S | E.C.E | Aptiv |
12. | ASHOK KUMAR.P | E.C.E | Aptiv |
13. | SURUTHI.D | E.C.E | Flex |
14. | CHANDRALEKHA.A | E.C.E | Flex |
15. | ROHINI.E | E.C.E | Flex |
16. | SANDHIYA.M | E.C.E | Flex |
17. | NIVETHA.R | E.C.E | Flex |
18. | DHANALAKSHMI.R | E.C.E | Flex |
19. | VANI.P | E.C.E | Flex |
20. | NIVETHA.J | E.C.E | Flex |
21. | MADHUMITHA.P | E.C.E | Flex |
Department Placed Students